Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi partners with SABC Education on National Identity Radio Campaign
Johannesburg, Thursday, 04 February 2016 - Arts and Culture Deputy Minister, Ms Rejoice Mabudafhasi in partnership with SABC Education launched the National Identity Radio Campaign under the slogan, “Afurika Tshipembe lashu”, meaning Our South Africa.
“Through this partnership, the department envisage to reach All South Africans, schools, the young and the old, different racial groups, civil organisations or formations including business in an attempt to strengthen relations amongst fellow South Africans towards a common identity. South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white. South Africa, like many African countries, emerged from an oppressive, divisive and colonial system which created a fragmented society. Nation building became a central focus after 1994 and to achieve this vision national symbols of the new South Africa had to be established to convey identity of the country and its people as critical elements on national identity”, said Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi.
“The SABC is proud to be partnering with the Department of Arts and Culture and this further entrenches the SABC’s Vision of inspiring change through enriching, credible, relevant and compelling content that is accessible by all,” stated the SABC’s Group Executive: Corporate Affairs, Ms Sully Motsweni.
The nine (9) week-long comprehensive radio campaign will foster, promote and entrench national consciousness, social cohesion, nation building and patriotism in society. This campaign entails promos and fillers, interviews and discussions on various education and current affairs programmes across the 11 languages, thus continuing the substantial work already done by Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi through Department of Arts and Culture’s, “Flag in every School campaign” since 2014.
“South Africa is a country of unique and original national symbols and its flag is one of the most recognizable in the world. The importance of being a citizen of this great nation is when all our people are a living expression of our constitutional values, principles and ideals”, states Mabudafhasi.
To mark the symbolic launch of the campaign, Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi accompanied by, the SABC’s Group Executive; Corporate Affairs, Ms Sully Motsweni, visited Mochochonono Primary School, in Moletsane, Soweto. A call had been made for all schools across the country to sing the national anthem at a particular time, on this day.
The National Identity Campaign involves, amongst others, hoisting the National Flag, the correct etiquette of singing the National Anthem, the recital of the Preamble of the Constitution by the learners, distribution of the South African hand flags and publications on national symbols as well as the CD Tool Kit on how to sing the National Anthem.
Mabudafhasi added that: “National Symbols constitutes the brand images of a particular country. They are not just simple images but are expressive of the identity of the country and its people. The history of a country permeates through some of its national symbol. The South African National Anthem, for example, reveals a history of a once fragmented society.”
Government identified Nation Building and Social Cohesion as one of the priorities for the current mandate period, as envisioned in the National Development Plan and detailed in the Medium-term Strategic Framework 2014-2019, Outcome 14. The Department has a responsibility to coordinate and mobilise society to promote Nation-Building and Social Cohesion as envisioned by the National Development Plan.
The partners currently involved in the national identity campaign include the Department of Arts and Culture, Department of Basic Education, SABC Education, the TimTibeila Foundation, Social Cohesion Ambassadors and Living Legends.
Media Enquiries: Peter Mbelengwa - Spokesperson for the Deputy Minister, cell: 082 611 8197, email:
Issued jointly by the Department of Arts and Culture and the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)
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